Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Week 9

This week we will be testing our model based on the process described in Week 8's post.  We will then make our calculations for the force.  We will take the inverse sine of the height at the tipping point divided by the length of our board (hypotenuse).  This will give us the angle.  We will use that angle to calculate the horizontal force applied at the tipping point.  This can be calculated by taking the mass of the model multiplies by the acceleration of gravity multiplied by the sine of our angle found.  We will then compare the force we find from each position, and combination of weight to formulate the final results of our experiment and project.  After we examine our results we will put the finishing touches on our final report paper and presentation for Week 10.

Figure 1: Example of FBD for a similar situation.  We will use Physics methods to make our calculations.

We were pleases with the results of our tests.  The results are shown below.  They seem to show that the modification did have an effect because when the weights were placed on the appropriate side, the tower was able to sustain a higher force.  This should translate to the swaying of the tower we believe in the real structure.  Test results for side "A" and "B" respectively:


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