Thursday, May 7, 2015

Week 6

We had a minor set back this week as we were told that the file we submitted to be 3-D printed was too large and would cost nearly $1,000 dollars to print and take 48 hours to do so.  Obviously, this is not within the budget for our freshman design lab so we will have to scale down our model significantly to make sure it is able to be printed.  Below are the CAD images of our design.

Figure 1: Back view of CAD design

Figure 2:  Front view of CAD design

We also explored new wind prevention techniques and came upon the Tuned Mass Damper device found in some large buildings.  It is a system that measures the harmonic waves of the wind through a computer system and shifts a huge concrete block or steel body in the opposite direction of the wind force by means of springs, a pendulum, or fluids.  This provides for less swaying in the structure and makes the structure more comfortable for the residents (1).

Figure 3: Example of a tuned damper in tower in Taiwan 

The CCTV tower already has a built in diagrid system and horizontal trusses that transfer loads from the overhang to the vertical so it is structurally very strong from twisting and torsion.  The problem is that the building as a whole can sway a lot from side to side when high winds occur.  This makes the building feel unsafe to residents and can cause some internal damage.  The tuned mass damper system would counteract a lot of these problems.


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